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Friday 9th February 2024

Mr Griffiths' weekly blog, you can find out what has been taking place in Llangan this week and what is happening soon..

Dear Parents and Guardians,

It has been an eventful week here at Llangan Primary School, with exciting developments taking place. We are pleased to announce that the restoration work on our original Edwardian building has commenced. The contractors have begun the process of restoring the parquet flooring, carefully sanding it back to its original state and removing old heaters and unnecessary decorations. To facilitate this renovation, our dedicated staff have been busy clearing the building, allowing the contractors access during the upcoming half-term holiday.

Following the half-term break, the contractors will shift their focus to restoring the dinner hall. As a result, our students will be having their meals in the main school hall for a temporary period. During this time, we will be offering a limited meal choice of baguettes. There will be one hot filling choice per day and two cold filling choices. Parents can still make their meal selections online via CYPAD, but please note that the options will be limited.

We are thrilled to have this opportunity to restore our beloved building, and once the work is complete, we will be inviting family members and the wider community to come and witness the transformation firsthand.

In other news, we were delighted to welcome a representative from Dwr Cymru/Welsh Water to our school on Monday. They conducted workshops with our students, educating them about sustainable water supply. The children had the opportunity to plan their own model villages and create a water supply within a given budget. It was an engaging and enlightening experience for all involved.

Additionally, this week saw our Year 1 and 2 students, as well as Year 6, embark on educational visits as part of their inquiry-based learning projects for this term. Year 6 had the privilege of visiting Storey Arms in the Bannau Brecheiniog (Brecon Beacons) National Park. The children learned about mountain geology, the natural environment, and the important work carried out by the National Park Authority to protect this beautiful yet vulnerable landscape. They also honed their geography skills by reading maps and completing an orienteering course through the mountains.

Meanwhile, the pupils in Years 1 and 2 explored Cowbridge as part of their inquiry into improving the town's high street. They visited the local library, where representatives from Cowbridge Museum shared fascinating insights into the town's history and geographical features. The children then conducted a field study of the high street shops and facilities, interviewing shop owners to gain a deeper understanding of the benefits and drawbacks of running a business in Cowbridge.

We would like to express our gratitude to all the parents who attended Parents' Evening this week. The turnout was exceptional, with approximately 97% of families present. These meetings are crucial in building a strong relationship between home and school, ensuring that our pupils receive the best possible support and guidance.

Furthermore, this week, we observed Safer Internet Day, with our school's Digital Champions and Mr. Thomas leading an assembly to raise awareness about online safety. It is essential to share this important message with our children, helping them stay safe and make the most of the internet. For more information, parents can visit the UK Safer Internet Centre's website.

Parents and carers - UK Safer Internet Centre

On Friday, we were delighted to welcome members of the Cowbridge Fire Brigade, who spoke to our Year 1, 2, 4, and 5 students about fire safety. The children had the opportunity to see a fire engine up close and learn more about the brigade's vital role in our community.

Additionally, Tabatha, our violin and cello teacher, visited our school on Friday to demonstrate these instruments to our students from Years 1 to 6. She also shared information about how they can sign up for lessons, fostering a love for music and encouraging their musical talents.

Cardiff and Vale Music Education (

Lastly, the PTA organized a Doughnut Sale on Friday to raise funds for our playground appeal. We are grateful for their continued support and dedication to enhancing our school environment.

Looking ahead, we are excited to announce that two weeks after half term, on Friday, 1st March, we will be celebrating our Eisteddfod Dydd Gwyl Dewi. Below are the details of the children's competitions that can be completed at home. We will complete other competitions in school.


We are excited to announce the launch of our parent survey for the academic year 2023-2024! In response to feedback and in alignment with our commitment to enhancing parent engagement, we have adjusted the timing of the survey.

Unlike last year, where the survey was completed in July, this year we are conducting it partway through the year. This strategic decision, at the request of our governors, aims to increase parent participation and gather valuable insights that will further enrich our educational community. You can access

the survey here:


Thank you for your ongoing support and involvement in making the Llangan Family our wonderful school community.

Wishing you all a wonderful half-term holiday; we look forward to welcoming the children back on Monday 19th February.

Kind regards,

James Griffiths
