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Dydd Gwyl Dewi 1.3.24 St David's Day

Dear Parents,

I hope this newsletter finds you all well. It has been another busy and exciting week here at Llangan Primary School, filled with various activities and achievements.

Firstly, I want to congratulate all the children who participated in our school's Eisteddfod. Despite the challenges posed by the current circumstances, the children showcased their incredible talents through various competitions, both at home and in school.

From writing Welsh poems and stories to art, model making, and baking, their creativity knew no bounds. I am proud to announce that Gower House emerged as the winner, accumulating an impressive 153 points.

Well done to all the children who contributed to their house's success, and a special mention to those who worked diligently on their homework over the half-term holiday. The dedication and effort put into their art, models, and baking were truly commendable.

Additionally, I would like to express my gratitude to the parents who supported their children throughout these projects. Your encouragement and involvement have played a significant role in fostering their enthusiasm and achievements.

Moving on, I want to highlight an exciting opportunity for our Year 6 pupils. They are invited to participate in an additional competition to write a poem about Wales. What makes this competition unique is that the children compete under a ffug enw, or a fake name, chosen by themselves. This ensures a completely impartial and fair judging process.

The Criw Cymraeg, who organised the eisteddfod, had the honour of judging the poems, and I am delighted to announce that the winning poem was written under the name of Suzie Sheep. The author of this exceptional piece will be crowned in a special chairing ceremony, a tradition deeply rooted in the Welsh eisteddfod.


A big thank you to the PTA who organised a raffle and refreshments for parents which were served after the Eisteddfod. A hug ‘diolch yn fawr’ goes to Mrs Evans who made all the delicious Welsh Cakes herself for the event. Whilst the parents enjoyed the refreshments they were entertained by Y6 pupils who are in their own band the Blind Eagles and, the song Black Moon.


In other news, our school had the pleasure of hosting representatives from Cardiff University Computing Department for a Techno Camp workshop. The children were introduced to micro-bit computers, which breathe life into the world of coding and programming. This hands-on experience will undoubtedly enhance their digital literacy skills and open doors to endless possibilities.

Furthermore, we were fortunate to have Coach Daniel from Cardiff City Football Club join us for a football session. The children thoroughly enjoyed learning new skills and techniques, fostering a sense of teamwork and sportsmanship.

Lastly, I would like to inform you that next week, on Thursday 7th March, we will be celebrating World Book Day. Children are encouraged to come to school dressed as characters from their favourite book. Throughout the day, they will engage in various book-based activities, fostering a love for reading and storytelling.

Staffing updates: Miss Llewellyn will be commencing her maternity leave at the start of the Easter holidays. In her absence, the governors appointed Mrs. R. Heavyside as the acting deputy headteacher. Mrs. Heavyside brings a wealth of experience to the role, having served as both a teacher and a successful leader for many years. She joins us from Rhws Primary School, and we eagerly anticipate her presence within our school over the forthcoming weeks.

Furthermore, I am delighted to share some exciting news regarding Mr. Marc Sinnett, our substantive deputy headteacher. Mr. Sinnett, who has been seconded to St. David’s School Colwinston, has recently been appointed as the Headteacher at Bryncoch CIW Primary School in Neath. This is a significant achievement for Mr. Sinnett, and I invite you all to join me in extending our warmest congratulations to him. We wish him every success in his new role.

Before concluding his time with the Local Authority, Mr Sinnet expressed his intention to visit Llangan, allowing us the opportunity to bid him farewell and express our gratitude for his contributions to our school.

Thank you for your continued support, and please do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or concerns.

Dydd Gwyl Dewi Hapus!

Kind regards,

Mr Griffiths