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Friday 15th March

Dear Parents and Guardians,

I hope this newsletter finds you all well and in good spirits. It has been a busy few weeks here at Llangan Primary School, and I am excited to share some of the wonderful things that have been happening.

Firstly, I would like to extend my warmest wishes to all the mothers in our school community. I hope you had a truly special Mother's Day and enjoyed the heartfelt gifts that your children presented to you. Thanks to the efforts of our hardworking PTA staff, the Mother's Day stall raised an impressive £341.50 for the PTA's playground appeal. With this, we are inching closer to our fundraising goal, and I am thrilled to announce that the new playground markings will be installed next week.

In other news, the newly renovated Old Building is now ready for use. It looks absolutely amazing, and I am delighted to inform you that our Year 6 students have returned to their classroom. Additionally, our breakfast club and dinners will now be held in the hall. I would like to express my gratitude for your patience during the renovation work. The contractors will be returning during the Easter holidays to complete the installation of lighting, acoustic panelling, and external doors.

Outdoor learning continues to be an integral part of our curriculum, and I am proud to say that our students have been actively participating in sessions led by Mrs. Stevens. These sessions provide hands-on experiential education, fostering environmental stewardship, physical activity, and holistic development amongst our pupils. It is heartening to witness the positive impact it has on mental well-being, instilling a sense of responsibility, and encouraging teamwork and problem-solving skills.


This week, our reception children developed their wheelbarrow and moving skills, constructed bug bungalows, and planted tree saplings. Our Year 6 students worked together to move the new polytunnel skin and planted lettuce seedlings and radish seeds. Furthermore, our Year 3, 4, and 5 students revamped the kitchen border, weeded, trimmed, tidied, and added bedding plants. They also prepared the last two poly beds and planted pattypan squash and bourage seeds. It may sound a bit exotic, but I'm sure it will be great fun if they grow!

I am pleased to inform you that our school actively supports charitable causes. On Friday, March 15th, our children came to school dressed in their own clothes to show their support for Comic Relief's Red Nose Day and raised £180.

Additionally, we have another exciting fundraiser coming up: the Smarty Challenge, which aims to raise money for the NSPCC. To participate, we have introduced the Smarty Pants running challenge. Every time you complete a running challenge, simply put a 20p or £1 coin in your Smarties tube, which was sent home with your child on Monday. Let's see if we can fill those tubes and make a difference together. Don't forget to check out the staff's involvement on Twitter or Instagram, and tag us using @llangan_primary_school #SMARTYPANTSRUN. We would love to see photos of the children taking part, so please email them to us.

On Thursday we had a Rags2Riches collection organised by the PTA and Eco Owls Committee which raised £61.95. Thank you for all those who supported us.

In sporting news, four Year 6 pupils from our school's table tennis team represented us at the South West Primary Schools Championships in Swansea. They showed great skill and sportsmanship, making us proud.

Looking ahead, our Year 5 pupils will be embarking on their residential stay at Morfa Bay, located on the coast of Pembrokeshire near Pendine Sands. This promises to be a memorable experience filled with adventurous activities.

On Tuesday of next week, we will be welcoming our new nursery starters who will be joining our school after the Easter holidays. Let's give them a warm Llangan Primary School welcome!

Lastly, mark your calendars for Friday, March 22nd, as the PTA will be organising a Hopathon Easter event in school. It's sure to be a hopping good time!

Thank you for your continued support and involvement in our school community. Together, we can achieve great things.

Warmest regards,

James Griffiths
