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Llangan Legends: Parent Help Out Day

On Thursday 31st January, a group of extraordinary individuals, including Llangan Legends, parents, and grandparents, generously devoted their free time to joining Mrs. Stevens in revitalising our school arboretum. An arboretum, housing a diverse collection of trees, graces the corner of the car park as you enter from the access lane. This green space was initially planted by previous staff, parents, children, and our dad's club. 

Over the years, the arboretum had become overgrown with blackthorn, a challenging bush to manage due to its sharp thorns. Our remarkable volunteers tirelessly worked to clear the area, and the impact of their hard work is evident as the arboretum now stands cleared, with removed bushes neatly piled on the bank next to the car park.


We kindly request parents to ensure that children stay clear of these bushes after school, as they contain painful thorns.

A heartfelt and colossal thank you to our dedicated and hard-working volunteers! Llangan is truly special because of the many family members who go above and beyond to support the school, making it a unique and cherished place for all of us. Diolch yn fawr iawn i chi i gyd.