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Vision Values & Motto

Our Vision - Ein Gweledigaeth

Our School Values- Gwerthoedd Ein Hysgol

Our Motto -  Ein Arwyddair

Dring Yn Uchel- Dring Yn Uwch

(Climb High - Climb Higher)

Llangan Strategic Aims- Challenge- Discover- Succeed

Strategic Aims are a set of actions, outlining our plans for the school, for the next few years. They don't replace our motto of "Dring yn Uchel, Dring yn Uwch" but complement it.

 We challenge our children to do their very best and to apply a positive, goal-oriented attitude in the process. We encourage them to support each other and to set a good example within our caring Llangan community. We support them to challenge each other with kindness, understanding and positivity. Our curriculum is unique to our school and we aim to be inspiring, creative and engaging for everyone. 


We value and celebrate diversity and individuality. We enable our children to discover their unique interests and abilities. We recognise that the best way of learning is often a journey and that a positive attitude leads to a more successful and satisfying outcome. We learn that it is important to contribute to the world and not just take from it. 


We prepare our children for the future by encouraging growing independence and by celebrating success in many different forms. We support children and families in every way we can and we ensure that all our children are safe, happy and confident so that they can achieve the best possible outcomes.